Friday, July 17, 2009

Bein' Domestic

We've been married for 7 weeks now, and we couldn't be happier! The wedding was perfect, the honeymoon incredible, and now we are home, enjoying summer days of learning to love each other deeper than we could imagine. God is so good! And David Todd is so cute :)

Well, today is my day off from work. So far, I have

1. Picked up our marriage certificate. Yay, it's officially official!
2. Paid the bills. Silly, but I was kind of excited to pay bills for the first time.
3. Grocery shopping. Yet again, my eyes were bigger than my biceps. I've got to learn to only buy what I can carry! My shoulders are not thanking me!
4. Figured out what's for dinner...breakfast! Yum, we're having scrambled eggs, sausage, hash browns, pancakes, and biscuits.
5. Thanked God for life with my husband. I love it!

I'm sure these things will someday seem mundane, but for now I am so enjoying all the little things that make up being married and becoming a grown up! I'm so grateful for God's goodness and for all the blessings around me. I love our apartment and all of the beautiful things in it that make it our home. I love my husband, and all that being married to my best friend means. I love, though it's hard and painful sometimes, learning to be more like Christ in the way that I live and love. David Todd teaches me so much about that. I'm grateful for how he loves me and constantly challenges me to live well for God.

I'm so blessed, and am finding joy in the little things today. I hope I never tire of any of this. I hope that, even when going to the grocery store or doing laundry or paying bills no longer seems new or fun, I still find joy in it. To serve my husband, to make our home a haven for us and our family, to watch him enjoy a meal or relax in a tidy living room, I hope these things always bring me joy. But most of all, I know that by serving my husband, I am serving the Lord, and that is the most joyful part of all.

"This was the Lord's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes." Psalm 118:23

Now, excuse me, I've got more errands and chores to do!

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